Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I register for the city walk?

Anyone can buy a 'ticket' on Tuesday from 8 p.m. for a walk in the coming weekend via this website. We offer weekly walks for which you can register on the Tuesday before the weekend, so nice and short day! We do this to ensure that
we can actually offer the walks and we have enough participating catering entrepreneurs.

What do I get when I sign up?

Via this website you can buy a 'ticket' for everyone on Tuesday from 8 p.m. for a walk in the upcoming weekend. We offer weekly walks for which you can sign up that Tuesday, so nice and short day! We do this to guarantee that we can actually offer the walks and that we have enough participating catering entrepreneurs.

How long is a route?

After registration you will receive a confirmation email from us that the registration has been successful. You will receive the e-mail with route, menu and pub quiz in your mailbox the morning before you go for a walk! The menu is also proof that you are entitled to the deals that the catering entrepreneurs offer you, these will always be around €5 or cheaper.

On what days and times is the city walk?

This differs per city. In Rotterdam and Dordrecht there are now city walks on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Delft is coming! We recommend everyone to start the City Walk between 13:00 and 16:00, as most catering establishments are open between 13:00 and 18:00. If catering deviates, we will mention this in the email we send. In Rotterdam we also work with time locks, to avoid crowds on the road!

Is the City Walk also suitable for children?

Hell yes! We make sure that there are plenty of fun things to see for children along the way, maybe the walk is a bit on the long side for young children who just no longer fit in the pram. Children up to the age of 13 are free, but of course they can enjoy the deals!

Until when are the City Walks?

We will continue as long as there is demand for it and until when it remains possible of course! For now we assume that we can continue with our 'corona game rules' until the end of February with the City Walks. If unsafe situations arise, we are forced to stop the city walks. That would of course be a great pity, especially for the catering companies. As long as everyone adheres to the rules and you want to help us comply with our measures, we can continue to do this!

Is the City Walk safe according to the Corona measures?

Walking is still allowed, because the catering entrepreneurs need the support more than ever at the moment, we have decided to continue with the City Walks. We also think it is very important that people meet each other in the outdoors, at a safe distance and with some extra movement! There are some important 'corona game rules' that we meet:

  • The group size is max 2 persons or one household;
  • We allow a maximum of 60 walkers to walk per route to avoid crowds;
  • In some cities we work with time slots within which you can start (Rotterdam);
  • Keep as much distance as possible from fellow walkers, especially at the catering establishments;
  • We lead you as little as possible through busy streets;
  • The emphasis is on takeaway!!!

So pick up that delicious deal that has been prepared especially for you and continue walking, that beautiful city walk does not happen by itself ;)